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All About Movers & Moving Companies

This board is a collection of anything useful, helpful, interesting, and educational relating to the moving industry. Whether its a review for a professional moving company, a how-to guide on find… (more)
7 Establishments You Need to Locate Before Moving

Moving to a new area can be exciting to say the least. It’s your opportunity to begin a new life with new surroundings and develop new relationships. Knowing where to find some of the important establishments in your area could prevent you from getting frustrated or lost when trying to quell some of the most trivial of needs. Thanks to the power of the Internet, you can do a bit of background research on an area before you arrive.

You want to hire a professional mover but you’re afraid of the cost? Here are some suggestions for keeping the costs down.

1. Get an accurate estimate. Cutting down costs starts before the first box is packed. When you call around to reserve a moving company, be sure you’re asking the right questions. Many movers will quoteyou less and add on additional costs such as double drive time, fuel charges, worker’s comp fees, etc. Be sure to ask mo… (more)
1+ CommentsPromoteSat Mar 30 2013265 Views

How to Prepare for an Out of State Move
Bryan McCallister

1 vote by David Johnson
If you’re moving out of state then you need to make sure that you’re prepared ahead of time. This can be worth looking into when the time comes. You want to ensure that you’re ready for whatever is going to come your way. There are cheap ways to move out of state but you have to look at all of the tips that are out there to find out which ones would work the best with you.

Tips for Moving Out Of State 2013

You might want to look into out of state movers to find out if they are going to be able to help you with the move that you have. However, you need to look into the prices that they offer you since you’re going to want something affordable when the time comes.

You can get boxes for moving for free if you ask stores for them. You can also check online to see if people are getting rid of the ones that they have previously used as well. Having sturdy boxes is important as well since you do not want them to break open.

Create a budget to see how much money you’re going to need for the whole trip total. This is due to the fact that you’re going to want to make sure that you have enough money for the movers and for the gas that you’re going to need to get back and forth.

You should always make sure to pack your items ahead of time and have all of the boxes labeled and ready to go. Ensure that you label the fragile boxes fragile in order to tell them apart from the rest. This is something that you want to make sure you know about when you’re throwing boxes in the moving truck.

Gas up the vehicles that you’re going to be using ahead of time since you’re going to be traveling a long distance. When it comes to moving out of state, you should be as prepared as possible for anything that might come up.

Take snacks and drinks with you for the ride to ensure that you do not have to stop to get a lot to eat.This also means that you can cut down on the costs of having to buy fast food when it comes to feeding everyone. You can snack lightly as you go without having to stop.


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